The journey starts with a conversation about the different elements that will play a role in the purchase or sale of real estate. Every transition is unique in its own-way, therefore, factors like funding, timing, location, and must haves in property will be discussed in the initial meeting with one of our professional real estate agents.
Empiesa Con Una Conversacion
El trayecto comienza con una conversacion acerca los differentes elementos que desempenaran en la compra o venta de beines raices. Cada transicion es unica en su propia manera por lo tanto factores como la financiacion, tiempo, ubicacion, y debe tener un propiedad sera discutido en la reunion inicial con alguno de nuestros agentes de bienes raices.
Residential, commercial, fixer-uppers, luxury, or vacant land we can find it and get it for you at the price. It doesn't matter what you are looking for, we will find it. We always have a list of current listings available for you to look at.
Encontrar El Hogar Correcto
Residencial, comercial, fijador superior, lujo, o terreno vacante nosotros podemos encontrarlo para ti al precio. No importa lo que busques nosotros lo encontramos. Nosotros siempre tenemos una lista de listado actual con lo mas reciente disponible para ti.
Before your home goes on the market, we will conduct a comparative market analysis (CMA) to determine a listing price fit for the current market activity. Once the home is active on the multiple listing service (MLS) and other real estate platforms, the home will be part of the Brokers Open Tour the following Wednesday from going active. An Open House will be held for the public every weekend (according to your schedule) to allow the public to tour the home without an appointment and without their Realtor.
Vendiendo Tu Casa
Antes que tu casa se valla a mercado realizaremos un analis de mercado comparativo para determinar un precio de cotizacion adecuado para la actividad del mercado actual. Una vez que la casa esta activa en el servicio de listado multiple y la otras platformas inmobiliaria, la casa formara parte de la gira abierta del corredor el proximo Miercoles desde que se active. Se celebrara una jornada de puertas abiertas para el publico todos los fines de semana (de acuerdo a su horario) para permitir que el publico recorra el hogar sin cita previa y sin su agente de bienes raices.
With over 13 years of experience in the real estate industry, our team at Diamond Real Estate has the knowledge and expertise to help you navigate the complex world of real estate. Aside from the traditional real estate transactions, we help asset management companies with property that is in the pre-foreclosure process, in the foreclosure process, and post-foreclosure. These tasks are done by doing broker price opinions (BPO), inspecting the property for condition and occupancy status, and preparing the property to list on the MLS. Other asset management companies just need BPOs or property condition/occupancy reports done on certain properties. There is not a place in Washington state we will not go to help out clients!
The First Time Home Buyer Program, is a great stepping stone for first time home buyers. The loan will pay the down payment for the buyer.
Comprador De Vivienda Por Primera Vez
Comprador de vivienda por primera vez , es un muy buen escalon para los compradores de vivienda por primera vez. El prestamo paga el entre para el comprador.
The FHA loan, is also a great starting point for home buyers. It allows a low down payment of 3.5% of purchase price.
Administracion Federal de Vivienda (FHA)
El prestamo FHA, tambien es un gran punto de partida para compradores de vivienda. Permite un bajo entre de 3.5% del precio de compra.
A Conventional Loan, just means that the loan is not part of a specific government program. Conventional loans typically cost less than FHA Loan, but can be more difficult to get.
Prestamo Convencional
Un prestamo convencional, nadomas significa que el prestamo no es parte de algun programa especifico de govierno. Prestamos convencionales tipicamente son mas bajos los costos que el prestamo FHA pero puede ser mas dificil de obtener.
The VA Loan, is only attainable by servicemen/women, veterans, and surviving spouses .
Prestamo De Asuntos De Vereranos
El prestamo de asuntos de veteranos, es solamente alcanzable para militares/mujeres de servicio, veteranos, y esposas o esposos de sobrevivientes.
The Jumbo Loan, is a loan used to purchase a home that exceeds FHA financing guidelines.
Prestamos Enorme
El prestamo enorme, es el prestamo que se utiliza para la compra de una casa que excede las quias financieras de el prestamo FHA.
The ITIN loan is used by individuals that do not have a social security number. Using the ITIN, they are still eligible to get a mortgage loan by lenders that offer the ITIN loan.
Lower Valley Credit Union/Self-Help Federal Credit Union
Prestamos Con ITIN
El préstamo de ITIN, es utilizado por personas que no tienen un número de seguro social. Utilizando el ITIN, todavía son elegibles para obtener un préstamo hipotecario por los prestamistas que ofrecen el préstamo ITIN.
Lower Valley Credit Union/Self-Help Federal Credit Union
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